"Wormholes" and "quantum foam"

By Thomas Váczy Hightower.

John Wheeler applied the theory of general relativity to the ZPE by creating a natural cut off in his theory of geo-metro dynamics. In general relativity, the texture of space curves as a function of the energy density. When the density becomes sufficiently great, space pinches like it's forming a black hole.
This gives rise to the formation of hyperspace structures, that Wheeler called "wormholes."

The resulting view is, that the fabric of space consists of constantly forming and annihilating pairs of microscopic "mini" black holes and white holes, which channel electric flux into and out of our three dimensional space. These mini holes manifest dynamics which could be modeled as turbulent, virtual plasma, that Wheeler calls the "quantum foam." In this view the elementary particles are like bubbles or vortices arising from the dynamics of the vacuum energy.

At first sight it seems to be impossible to tap this energy, since it is extremely difficult experimentally to observe its existence.
However, the theories of quantum electrodynamics indicate, that all of the elementary particles are dynamically interacting with the ZPE resulting in vacuum polarization. In particular, quantum electrodynamics shows, that the different elementary particles polarize the vacuum differently.
If this is true, it offers virtually limitless energy. It can best be supported by noting that there are interpretations of quantum mechanics and relativity theory, which imply the existence of a physically real, higher dimensional space, and the notion of super space is well discussed in the physics literature.

How the other conditions could be fulfilled as well, can be understood by modeling the ZPE as virtual plasma. Like plasma, it is nonlinear in its dynamical behavior; it may be driven off of equilibrium by the abrupt motion of nuclei, and it might well be sustained by an energy flux intersecting our 3 dimensional space from a higher dimensional, super space.

Super String theory - 10+ dimensions

In 1919, the Polish mathematician Theodor Kaluza proposed, that the existence of a fifth spatial dimension might allow the linking of general relativity and electromagnetic theory. This idea was later refined by the Swedish mathematician Oskar Klein, which expressed the theory, that space consisted both of extended and curled-up dimensions.
The extended dimensions are the 3 spatial common dimensions and the curled-up dimension found deep within the extended dimensions and can be conceive of a circle.
Experiments later showed that Kaluza and Klein's curled-up dimension did not unite general relativity and electromagnetic theory as originally hoped, but decades later, string theorists found the idea useful, even necessary.
The mathematics used in super string theory requires at least
10 dimensions. That is, for the equations that describe super string theory to begin to work out— for the equations to connect general relativity to quantum mechanics, to explain the nature of particles, to unify forces, and so on — they need to make use of additional dimensions. These dimensions, string theorists believe, are wrapped up in the curled-up space first described by Kaluza and Klein.

String theory

In string theory, the elementary particles we observe in particle accelerators could be thought of as the "musical notes" or excitation modes of elementary strings.
As in guitar playing, the string must be stretched under tension in order to become excited. However, the strings in string theory are floating in space time, they aren't tied down to a guitar. Nonetheless, they have tension.
The string tension in string theory is denoted by the quantity 1/(2 p a'), where a' is pronounced "alpha prime" and is equal to the square of the string length scale.
If string theory is to be a theory of quantum gravity, then the average size of a string should be somewhere near the length scale of quantum gravity, called the Planck length, which is about 1.6 x 10-33  centimeters, or about a millionth of a billionth of a billionth of a billionth of a centimeter.

Unfortunately, this means that strings are way too small to see by current or expected particle physics technology (or financing!!) and so string theorists must devise more clever methods to test the theory, than just looking for little strings in particle experiments.
String theories are classified according to whether or not the strings are required to be closed loops, and whether or not the particle spectrum includes fermions. In order to include fermions in string theory, there must be a special kind of symmetry called
super symmetry, which means for every boson (particle that transmits a force) there is a corresponding fermion (particle that makes up matter).
Super symmetry relates the particles that transmit forces to the particles that make up matter.

Super symmetric partners to currently known particles have not yet been observed in particle experiments, but theorists believe this is because super symmetric particles are too massive to be detected at current accelerators. Particle accelerators could be on the verge of finding evidence for high energy super symmetry in the next decade. Evidence for super symmetry at high energy would be compelling evidence, that string theory was a good mathematical model for Nature at the smallest distance scales.

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